Guys I'm still learning how this works!

Will this link send you anywhere?

I thought it was so sick when that link worked you guys. There's still a lot of random stuff in the code right now that I've tweaked a bunch of stuff but I don't know what I'm looking at so I'm just leaving it all in.

I really like Five Nights at Freddy's you guys, and also like Batman right now to be honest. I'm hoping I can get in the mood to start watching a bunch of movies in a row though, there are a couple of directors I'd been really liking, but then I fell out of it.

My ass did not put together this guide, I just don't want to delete anything and mess anything up, so I guess all the links are staying here.

Free Palestine!

I am typing this out. My name is tee-yup, and it's important to remember the hyphen.

I do not know what I'm doing with this website, I just tried figuring out what all the random stuff inside here even means. It's helping me learn, though even if I've been sitting with a boring ass template for a few weeks now.

I lowkey think that the general labor strike being organized to take place in 2028 is going to shake things up for the better, as much as I'd rather people have known to actually organize locally and shit. I generally just can't look at the future and not see some form of revolution.